Facemounting and Laminating

A facemount or laminate is a great way to display a piece in a contemporary fashion. The print is sandwiched between the facemount or laminate, and a mounted substrate on the reverse side.

  • Facemounting is often used for a frameless effect for a very modern feel. Comes in the regular acrylic and non-glare acrylic varities.
  • Laminating can be used in the same fashion, however it is also often used in frames without glass as a way to protect the print. Comes in the matte and glossy varieties.

In order to facemount or laminate, the print must have a untextured surface, like a glossy or a metallic print. If the print is textured, air bubbles will get trapped between the materials and create an effect called "silvering."

Feel free to reach out to Customer Care if you are unsure if your print is suitable for facemounting or laminating.

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